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Eine Informationstafel in Moers-Asberg als Hinweis auf den ehemaligen Lagerbereich.

Information boards draw attention to the existence of an auxiliary camp in Moers-Asberg.

Auxiliary camp at Asciburgium

The Asciburgium auxiliary camp that was excavated in present-day Moers-Asberg provides evidence of how auxiliary soldiers were housed along the Lower Germanic Limes during the early days of the Empire. The camp was established around15/16 AD and enclosed by a rampart of earth and timber and a double ditch construction. No evidence dating from this period has been found of buildings inside the fort, indicating that the soldiers were probably housed in tents. The first solid structures were erected around the middle of the first century AD and housed a cavalry unit. Following a period of abandonment, the Later Roman Empire saw the site being used for the construction of a strong fortified tower, or burgus. The area of the camp has since largely been built over.

Access: private and public

The archaeological remains that make up the Lower Germanic Limes (NGL) UNESCO World Heritage Site are all very well preserved. Most of these structures are buried underground and well protected. Some are visible above ground. So far, there is very little on-site information explaining the history and significance of these finds. We are currently working on a comprehensive package of information and presentation resources to promote public understanding of these sites.

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41460 Neuss

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50374 Erftstadt

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50667 Köln

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Ahrstr. 55-57
53945 Blankenheim

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53947 Nettersheim

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The towns and cities along the Limes in North Rhine-Westphalia
Kleve-Keeken Kleve-Reichswald Bedburg-Hau Kalkar-Kalkarberg Kalkar-Altkalkar Uedem-Hochwald Wesel-Flürener Feld Xanten - Colonia Ulpia Traiana Xanten-Fürstenberg Alpen-Drüpt Moers-Asberg Duisburg-Werthausen Krefeld-Gellep Neuss-Gnadental Monheim Neuss-Reckberg Dormagen Köln-Mitte Köln-Deutz Köln-Alteburg Bonn-Castell Bornheim/Alfter/Swisttal/ Cluster Bonn - Cluster Bad Münstereifel - Iversheim